
Get Rolling with Engaging YouTube Advertising.

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Mobile-optimised video marketing built for results

Mobile-optimised video marketing built for results

Convert your assets into results-driven YouTube advertising that performs at its peak. When your in-house marketing team doesn’t have the capacity to create high-performance video ads that are driven by data and enhanced by the industry’s best-in-class designers, partner with Impressive and integrate our specialists with yours. We build bold YouTube advertising campaigns that stand out in a noisy environment – merging unmatched creativity with exclusive audience insights that guide who we show your content to, and when.

Our proven formula drives quick conversions and helps our clients reach their long-term goals, boosting revenue through the essential video platform. Our in-house team of senior copywriters, digital strategists, videographers and social media specialists build your YouTube marketing strategy as part of an omnichannel approach, integrating it with other high-performance channels for lasting results.

Get Started
Maximum returns through a targeted YouTube campaign

Maximum returns through a targeted YouTube campaign

The team of data analysts at Impressive utilise the unique audience insights available to us, to build a highly-segmented, targeted YouTube campaign that reaches your target consumers at the right time. By smartly placing your ads within the video platform, we’re able to maximise your budget and ensure you only pay for quality leads that convert. Innovative marketing tools and an understanding of how the most optimal YouTube campaigns are built means our clients get access to results-driven strategies their competitors don’t know about.

Because we work as a partner, not a provider, your dedicated team of video specialists will continue to monitor your campaign, optimising it at every level and ensuring it can scale as your business grows and your goals shift. It’s this long-term partnership and unfaltering support from the industry’s experts that gives you a unique advantage and generates revenue through the dynamic messages your customers most enjoy consuming.

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A disruptive video campaign that supports brand growth

A disruptive video campaign that supports brand growth

The power of YouTube advertising can’t be overlooked, but crafting a professional and effective campaign requires the knowledge of digital strategists and the skills of expert videographers. All of our talent is kept in-house, and when brands partner with Impressive as an extension of their own marketing team, they achieve fast growth – with many even doubling or tripling their marketing-attributed revenue.

With custom campaigns, real-time optimisation and in-depth reports, marketing managers and business owners alike can feel confident that they’re spending their budget wisely. By always keeping the bigger picture in mind, we seamlessly integrate your YouTube ads with all other aspects of your digital presence, creating a smoother customer journey that encourages sales and builds your brand.

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Google Partner


Don’t take our word for it

With a plethora of industry-leading knowledge, and an impressive (no pun intended) portfolio of satisfied clients, you can count on us to get results. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Hear what our clients have to say.


Cookie apple pie gummi bears. Cupcake tart pudding pastry liquorice pastry. Biscuit carrot cake cupcake. Jujubes muffin fruitcake icing jelly beans dragée muffin dragée.

Donut macaroon sweet gummies marshmallow powder lemon drops fruitcake cake. Chocolate cake pudding pudding. Bear claw gummi bears carrot cake jelly bear claw marzipan jujubes halvah candy canes.

Jane Smith

Digital Marketing

Amplify your strategy with social media services

Launch powerful marketing strategies using the right mix of platforms to amplify results. With dedicated social media experts working on every platform, you can expect smarter strategies, custom reporting and a fast revenue boost.

Social media marketing
Social media marketing

Dynamic social media campaigns that gets you sales, not just likes. Engage and convert with social media marketing at Impressive.

Facebook advertising
Facebook advertising

Integrated Facebook campaigns that are optimised in real-time and highly-relevant to your target audience.

Instagram advertising
Instagram advertising

Visual inspiration for your target audience through stories ads, photo ads, video ads, carousel ads and collection ads.

LinkedIn advertising
LinkedIn advertising

Effective LinkedIn ads that are optimised for every platform, designed to reach other organisations to drive leads and awareness.

YouTube advertising
YouTube advertising

Use detailed audience insights to advertise to your most valuable customers, and only pay for those that show interest in your brand.

Book your free strategy session

Any questions

YouTube Advertising FAQs

Working on a bidding system, YouTube advertising displays your ads either within a video or across YouTube search results pages and watch pages. The YouTube advertising cost comes into play when you choose the amount you want to spend on a bidding system.

Users have learnt to expect ads on YouTube, so they’re less likely to skip them, compared to videos on Facebook and other sites. In a survey by Animoto, 32% of YouTube respondents said they engage with branded content. YouTube ads become even more effective when you build a targeted plan. By making sure that your ads align with the content on which they’re played, you capture a more relevant audience.

Sharing your video content on your YouTube channel is free. Advertising on YouTube costs money. YouTube advertising costs depend on a number of factors, and marketers can generally choose how much or how little they want to pay.

Just like all bid-based platforms, YouTube advertising rates vary depending on your set budget, competition and number of views. The average cost-per-view could be anything between $0.10 and $0.30, and price also depends on your chosen ad type. With clever budget allocation and knowledge of the bidding system, you’ll get the best ROI.

When Google bought YouTube in 2006, they began thinking of ways to monetise the vast amount of video content available. It was in 2007 that they launched new advertising models alongside traditional display ads. In November 2008, YouTube began rolling adverts at the beginning of videos and announced promoted videos.

YouTube advertising works by the creation and customisation of ads within the platform. Using a Google Ads account, you can choose your desired daily budget and select your audience demographics. Setting a broader audience will gather more leads, but a more specific audience will bring it better qualified leads. You can then upload your video ad, and ensure it’s well-optimised.

In 2017, YouTube added its “Google Preferred” programme, which hosts videos from popular TV channels and the top 5% most popular YouTube channels. This offers high-end advertisers a premium service, where they can pair their ads with only top-performing content on YouTube. Thus, advertisers have a better chance of getting more views.

As the name suggests, In Stream advertising describes those ads that play at the beginning of a YouTube video. A user can skip your video ad after 5 seconds, so make sure it’s engaging enough to avoid this. You will only be charged when a user watches a video until the end. This is ideal for marketers that want to promote video content on videos of similar categories.

Let's get started


Here’s how we’ll invest in you:

Audit & analysis
A comprehensive audit

We’ll review all of your digital marketing channels and outline what’s working, and what needs to be improved.

Custom growth plan
Unique growth strategy

We’ll share our approach, covering how we’d scale your marketing – and how it relates to your objectives.

ROI projections
ROI projections

We’ll forecast the results you can expect, as well as your investment and the KPIs involved to get you there.