Hello Curator
You share a link to a third party blog with a piece of advice on your social channel. Then the user – your social connection – is gone. You gave them a great link and in return, they’re gone. That is the curation game and it’s all about ‘community’. And who knows – they might think of you with gratitude. Or perhaps – the blogger you linked to might see your tweet, retweet it; who knows? And it’s part of your social strategy.
But having the ability to put your own call-to-action would be awesome, right?
Welcome, sniply! Place a call-to-action on a site using simple iframe tech. What a sweet idea!

Hi Curator
The idea of someone else putting their brand and call-to-action on your website? You’re a marketer, is this something you want? If you give out some cracking advice or thought-leadership (urgh, sorry for the buzzword), you’re actually hoping that person could be a potential lead. Or customer. You don’t want them seeing a call-to-action elsewhere (on your site) and bouncing.
Sure, it’s nice of someone else to link to your content, but you want more.
I’m Sorry. I don’t think this can last…
First up, it’s way to easy to block if you’re a web-admin. Disable 3rd party iframe, and then it’s dead. And websites are already doing this.

They have a freemium model too. Given the reliance on fragile iframe technology, which is so easily disabled, paying for this would be a risky commitment. In a few months, the world could catch on and disable it. Then you’ve got a dead product – totally out of control of you and – sadly – Sniply.
It seems to have exploded in the past couple of weeks, and it looks like they are struggling. Perhaps just a teething problem, but a few times now, I’ve clicked on a tweet link and I get a white screen. When I look to see what’s going on, sure enough – it’s Sniply. This can’t happen. People will bounce, hurting both curator and creator.

By the way – we are giving it a go, and so are some other really reputable brands. Content marketing is all about mixing up creation and curation. And that’s what you want in a progressive digital agency – the desire to experiment with and understand technology.
When it comes to these finer points, plenty of people will jump at the sales pitch but not the gritty details. If you’re needing help with your own social media strategy or broader digital help, we’re a Melbourne based agency who have the track record of getting the job done. Feel free to contact the team today.