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EPISODE 41: SEO Success Stories – Talking SEO with Gus Pelogia from Indeed.com

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“I think the wide range of problems that we have to deal with and all the different solutions that you can find, like someone can fix everything or not fix everything, but you can do a lot and get results with links, you can do a lot with content, you can do a lot with technical SEO. So just all the paths you can take to achieve a similar goal. I just find that fascinating.” – Gus Pelogia

Gus Pelogia, an SEO strategist at Indeed, brings a refreshing blend of creativity and technical know-how to the world of search engine optimization. With a background in music journalism and a knack for storytelling, Gus seamlessly transitioned into the dynamic realm of SEO. With his career taking him places such as Brazil, Argentina, and Holland, Gus brings a global perspective to his role. 

Leveraging his diverse skill set, Gus continues to make waves in the industry, showcasing the power of blending content creation with SEO strategies. His unique career trajectory is a testament to the endless possibilities within the ever-evolving landscape of SEO and digital marketing.

Visit Gus at: https://www.guspelogia.com/

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover the evolving landscape and challenges in SEO to stay ahead of the game and adapt your strategies effectively.
  • Understand the role of AI in search algorithms to leverage its power and optimize your SEO efforts.
  • Uncover the discussion on the trustworthiness of search results to ensure your content is seen by the right audience.
  • Follow Gus’s journey to SEO expertise for valuable insights and inspiration to take your own skills to the next level.
  • Embrace the importance of communication in SEO to enhance collaboration and achieve better results in digital marketing.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:12 – Introduction to SEO Success Stories

00:01:51 – The Biggest Challenge for SEOs in 2024

00:06:41 – Gus’s Marketing Journey and Background

00:08:07 – The Evolution of Indeed and Its Impact on SEO

00:13:13 – Agency Experience and Hands-On SEO Work

00:15:58 – Importance of Indexing for Ranking

00:17:52 – Becoming a Public Figure in SEO

00:19:28 – Confidence and Communication in SEO

00:22:28 – Transition to SEO Product Management

00:26:49 – Structuring SEO Teams in a Large Company

00:31:59 – Embracing New Ideas and Collaboration

00:33:40 – Building Strong Relationships

00:37:12 – Proving Impact in SEO

00:39:35 – Data-Driven Growth Strategies

00:46:35 – Overcoming Algorithm Changes

00:47:52 – Content vs. Links

00:48:05 – Digital PR and Effective Techniques

00:48:59 – Skyscraper Technique and Guest Posting

00:49:19 – Fascination with SEO

00:51:39 – In-house vs. Agency SEO


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Audit & analysis
A comprehensive audit

We’ll review all of your digital marketing channels and outline what’s working, and what needs to be improved.

Custom growth plan
Unique growth strategy

We’ll share our approach, covering how we’d scale your marketing – and how it relates to your objectives.

ROI projections
ROI projections

We’ll forecast the results you can expect, as well as your investment and the KPIs involved to get you there.