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EPISODE 34: SEO Success Stories with Brett Farmiloe of Terkel

Blog Impressive

“I think that the biggest opportunity is there’s about 95% of blogs that are considered inactive, meaning that they haven’t posted content in the last month. And how do we provide them with high quality content that speaks to the authority of their website and uses the experiences of experts to help provide them with that content? “- Brett Farmiloe

Introducing Brett Farmiloe, the founder of Terkel. With a background as a financial auditor and a career education website founder, Brett has honed his expertise in marketing and SEO over the past decade. Having previously run an SEO agency, Brett’s in-depth understanding of the industry is evident. His current focus on featured.com, a platform connecting publishers with subject matter experts, reflects his commitment to enhancing online visibility. 

Brett’s extensive experience and knowledge make him a valuable resource for small business owners and SEO practitioners seeking to navigate the challenges of EAT and user experience in 2023.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Understand the evolving challenges facing SEOs
  • Enhance content creation by prioritizing user experience.
  • Harness the value of human expertise in content creation.
  • Explore the evolution of Terkel as a dynamic platform.
  • Implement the importance of EAT principles in SEO strategies.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:12 – Introduction to SEO Success Stories

00:01:08 – The Biggest Challenge for SEOs in 2023

00:05:31 – Evolution of Turkel to Featured.com

00:09:13 – Filling Gaps for Publishers

00:12:40 – Transition from Service to Product Business

00:13:38 – Building Terkel over the Summer

00:14:05 – Transitioning from Agency to Terkel

00:15:36 – Building the Terkel Team

00:17:14 – Hiring for Startups

00:21:35 – Early Wins for Terkel

00:27:40 – Meeting Publisher Needs

00:28:37 – The Journey of Growth

00:29:08 – SEO Vox Pop Questions


Let's get started


Here’s how we’ll invest in you:

Audit & analysis
A comprehensive audit

We’ll review all of your digital marketing channels and outline what’s working, and what needs to be improved.

Custom growth plan
Unique growth strategy

We’ll share our approach, covering how we’d scale your marketing – and how it relates to your objectives.

ROI projections
ROI projections

We’ll forecast the results you can expect, as well as your investment and the KPIs involved to get you there.