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EPISODE 22: SEO Jobs and #SEOforLunch with Nick LeRoy

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What is the #1 biggest challenge SEOs face in 2023?

Without a doubt, it’s just getting by and executing SEO strategies… I always tell people I’m doing less of the actual SEO itself, but what I am is being a bulldozer that stands the right people in position and the wrong people out of position.  

Owner of Nick LeRoy consulting, freelance SEO consultant to large and enterprise-level brands, SEO for lunch newsletter creator and co-owner of SEO jobs.com, Nick LeRoy is a passionate SEO thought leader in the industry.

With over a decade of working in agencies, Nick understands SEO’s ins and outs as a principle and holistic market approach. Being called a master of his craft, Nick has become a leading figure for SEO freelancers and businesses looking to improve their operations and revenue. 

“The idea was how do I recap all this great information that is going on in the industry and hold myself accountable to continue to learn what’s going on. And part of that is digesting what other people are saying and sharing that.“- Nick LeRoy on the idea behind SEO for Lunch.


The conversation covers :

  • Nick’s story into SEO & a freelance SEO consultant – 2:00 
  • Nick’s transition from SEO to a consultant – 18:00 
  • SEO for Lunch Newsletter – 21:14
  • Kickstarting Nick’s freelance career – 26:32
  • SEO Jobs – 30:04
  • Nicks SEO at work (case study) – 35:56
  • Non-obvious favorite SEO tools – 41:00
  • Vox Pop – 42:33

“I love giving power back to the people, meaning if you’re let go of a position for whatever reason and you have this skill set, I’m giving you a platform to succeed.”Nick LeRoy on SEO Jobs. 

Listen to this week’s episode as we learn more about Nick LeRoy’s journey into the world of SEO. Covering his beginnings as a self-taught SEO to the significant success of his freelancing career and everything in between, today’s episode will share some inside perspectives from this largely successful SEO freelancer, thought leader and creator of SEO lunch and SEO Jobs.

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Quickfire Vox Pop Q&A

Which previous Google algorithm change still keeps you up at night?

Combination of panda and penguin. 

Gun to your head… which do you prefer: content or links?

Links, without a doubt.  

What’s the most effective link-building technique you have used?

Pr-based initiatives combined with a strong brand.

Is the skyscraper technique still relevant today?

Absolutely, all content can be bigger and better. 

What do you love most about SEO?

The infinite ability to win, I mean you literally can rank number one or make X amount of dollars, and always aim bigger and do better every day. 

How do you apply SEO principles to your daily life?

I’d say the 80/20 principle. So generally, 20% of what we’re doing has 80% of the impact. 

WFH life or Office life or Hybrid life?

I like WFH, but I’ll put an asterisk on it cause I really do love a coffee or a happy hour meeting. 

SEMrush or Ahrefs?


Agency or In-house or Combo?

It really does depend. I would say it’s really about how mature your brand is and what type of profit do you have to invest. 

Who’s the first person you look to when there’s an algorithm change?

Glen Gabe and Marie Haynes. 

We hope you enjoyed this episode of our podcast! Please tune in for more SEO success stories by hitting “subscribe.”


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Audit & analysis
A comprehensive audit

We’ll review all of your digital marketing channels and outline what’s working, and what needs to be improved.

Custom growth plan
Unique growth strategy

We’ll share our approach, covering how we’d scale your marketing – and how it relates to your objectives.

ROI projections
ROI projections

We’ll forecast the results you can expect, as well as your investment and the KPIs involved to get you there.