Scrolling through Facebook, you come across ads taking you to plenty of different locations.
Some are auto-play videos, like Kiwi Co’s paper spinning helicopters ad, that take you to a blog post about how to create DIY paper helicopters.
Others are single-image ads that guide you to a Facebook event page in hopes you’ll RSVP and buy tickets (like this one for Sarah May Chadwick at the Melbourne Town Hall Grand Organ).
But ads can also take you to an even more engaging landing page. Like an interactive game.
Or a quiz.
Online quizzes are addicting- especially when found on social media.
BuzzFeed gets 75% of its online quiz traffic from social media sources.
It makes perfect sense why. If you’re on Twitter or Facebook, you’re probably already looking for a distraction or content to engage with. And a quiz promises to tell you something new about yourself or challenge your knowledge on a topic.
Now, software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies are using quizzes for audience engagement and lead generation.
Take Typeform, for example.
Typeform is a data collection SaaS company from Barcelona. Its software allows users to create forms and surveys for their clients, audiences and employees.
The software also has quiz creation functionality.
And what better way to show off your software’s quiz creation than to create a quiz and share it on social media?
That’s exactly what Typeform did.
After taking the SEO Quiz, you’re brought to Typeform’s ‘Get Started Free’ landing page. And here you see examples of other creatable quizzes, the benefits of using the software and testimonials from happy customers.
A quick rundown of the customer journey goes like this:
Audience sees social ad -> audience takes quiz -> audience visits landing page -> audience signs up for a free trial
If you’re looking for quiz creation software, signing up for a free trial is a no brainer. You already saw the software in action.
The quiz essentially acts as a demo.
And once you’ve signed up for your free trial, Typeform sends you helpful tips to educate you about all of its capabilities. This makes sure you get the most out of your free trial and provides further evidence you have a use case for it.
What these emails also do is remind you of your first interaction with the brand.
Whenever they appear in your inbox, you remember the quiz you took.
And now whenever you think of an online quiz, you’ll think of Typeform as often as you think of BuzzFeed.
Typeform isn’t the only SaaS company using online quizzes.
Socialbakers is a Czech SaaS company that creates AI-powered social media tools to help businesses get the most out of their social marketing efforts.
Their product suite is vast and would be hard to condense down into one social media ad.
So instead of trying to condense it, Socialbakers went the quiz creation route.
This quiz gives Socialbakers a few advantages over directing audiences to check out their free tools or product suite.
Advantage #1: The ad begs the viewer for interaction.
If you spend a lot of time working on Facebook ads, how can you not want to test your knowledge?
After all, it’s always nice to have something new to gloat about.
Advantage #2: It showcases Socialbakers’ intricate knowledge of the subject.
If you go through this quiz, the first thing you’ll notice is it’s not pulling any punches.
Here’s an example question:
“Your website’s purchase conversion rate is 10%, your average sales value is $100 and your profit margin is 50%. What should be your maximum bid for a click on link ads?”
That’s an algebra problem!
(The answer is $5.00, by the way.)
Because the questions go deeper than the surface level, Socialbakers demonstrates their expertise on the subject of Facebook Ads. And the more you believe them to be experts, the more you’ll trust what they say about your own social marketing.
Advantage #3: You can’t get your scores without filling out a form.
You’ve invested so much time into taking the quiz, even opening up a notebook to do some maths.
But you can’t just see your score and know if you’re a Facebook Ads Master. You have to give Socialbakers a little something before you get that satisfaction.
So, once you submit your quiz, the only way to get your score is to fill out a form – giving the company your name, email address, industry, position and other details relevant to your work.
The main difference between the Typeform and Socialbakers quizzes: Socialbakers uses its quiz for lead generation.
And once you’re in the Socialbakers email funnel, they invite you to a free trial.
Tip #1: Your Topic Should Be a Challenge Your Company Provides a Solution For
Socialbakers creates social marketing tools that help businesses with Facebook ads. By choosing a challenge your audience faces, you’re raising awareness of their knowledge gaps and proving your expertise.
Tip #2: Cater Your Quiz to a Specific Buyer Persona
People will have varying levels of expertise on your quiz topic. By defining exactly who will be taking the quiz, you can write your questions to that specific person. This makes your quiz a more engaging experience.
Tip #3: Decide the Marketing Goal of Your Quiz
Are you trying to raise awareness of your brand? Or are you trying to capture leads? Knowing what you want your audience to do after taking your quiz will help you figure out where it’ll fit in your overall content strategy.
Tip #4: Run Your Quiz by Someone With More Knowledge on the Subject Than You
The hardest part of quiz creation is coming up with interesting questions that both test your audience’s knowledge and communicate what’s being asked accurately. Even if you’re an expert on the topic, running your quiz by another expert in the field ensures the questions you’re asking make sense for your target audience- and that your answers are right!
Tip #5: Promote Your Quiz Through Different Channels
Your quiz may have been created to drive more traffic from social sources, but that doesn’t mean you should hide it from contacts already in your database. Go ahead and send it to your current customers. It’ll be a fun way to remind them of your brand.
Take the Impress!ve SEO Quiz
Since we’re experts in SEO, we created our own SEO Quiz at Impress!ve, Are You an SEO Guru?
It’s tougher than the Typeform example above, so be sure to put your thinking cap on!