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Must-Have Enterprise SEO Tools in 2020

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Whether your organization is now only starting to recognize the value in SEO – or you’re simply looking to refine your SEO strategy, it’s important that you have the right tools. Particularly for enterprise-level businesses.

There are a variety of sophisticated software solutions that both SEO agencies and in-house teams are using to help manage their SEO campaigns. Not only do they help initialize new strategies, they allow you to identify opportunities on an ongoing basis, and ultimately gain the upper hand on your competition. 

Access to enterprise software solutions isn’t always a must, but for complex websites they’re invaluable as they will help to simplify, speed up and streamline both common and complex SEO tasks at scale.

In this article, we’ll be sharing our three favorite tools across the following categories:

  • Best all-round enterprise tools
  • Best site crawlers and auditing software
  • Best reporting and keyword tracking tools
  • Best software for enterprise link-building analysis

See below for more.

Best All-Round Enterprise SEO Tools

These tools are a good place to start if you’re looking to initiate a new enterprise SEO campaign. While they may not have every feature you could need, they’re a good all-rounder, allowing you to get the data you need to kickstart your campaigns.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console, previously known as Webmaster Tools, is a free service offered by Google. It provides a range of behavioral insights, including CTR, clicks and impressions.

Key highlights

  • Completely free service
  • Beneficial for business owners, SEO specialists, site administrators and web developers
  • First hand insight into how Google is interacting with the website, no matter the size


The swiss-army knife of SEO, SEMrush is a comprehensive SEO suite that allows you to manage a range of marketing channels. By having all of these features in one space, enterprise businesses can get a holistic view of how SEO interacts and supports the other digital channels.

  • Powerful and versatile competitive intelligence tool that helps SEO specialists identify opportunity and make more informed decisions
  • Can fully integrate into an SEOs workflow
  • Provides an overview of SEO, advertising, content and social media marketing


Grow your search traffic, research your competitors and monitor your niche. Ahrefs is enterprise-grade software that helps you understand your competitors’ SEO strategy, and what you need to do to outrank them.

  • First-rate user interface
  • Research the competition and reverse engineer their most successful strategies
  • Perform keyword research, track rankings, complete site audits and produce reports at scale


Complex websites tend to come with a host of technical issues that need resolving. This is particularly important if you want to increase your rankings, improve your SEO traffic and ultimately increase your sales. The following site crawlers are beneficial in finding technical issues, and offering a range of insights to help improve your website.

Screaming Frog

A powerful and flexible site crawler that allows you to crawl your website’s URLs, as well as the websites of your competitors, making it simple to find broken links and canonical issues.

  • Performs a host of technical checks with unlimited crawl capacity (paid version only)
  • Finds broken links, analyses page titles, audits hreflang attributes and more
  • Target other sites, crawl their pages for broken link opportunities before contacting them and offering one of your URLs as a replacement

Site Bulb

An award-winning enterprise SEO tool that delivers instantly actionable insights, allowing you to identify technical SEO problems without having to dig around for hours.

  • Delivers ready-made technical recommendations
  • Brings the insights to life with data visualization, including graphs and charts
  • Audit comparisons allow you to easily track historical trends and changes over time

Deep Crawl

A pioneer in enterprise cloud-based web crawling solutions, DeepCrawl diagnoses and fixes technical and performance issues, assisting you in accelerating growth and profitability.

  • Cloud-based crawling for enterprise scale websites
  • Comfortably handle tens of millions of URLs and billions of links
  • Automatic scheduling of reports


Understanding your keyword performance is a critical component of getting the results you want from your enterprise SEO campaign. But it’s also important to verify the types of users that are visiting your website from those keywords. Are they your target audience? Are they converting? These tools are our favorites for helping you to understand this data and interpret the results.

Google Analytics

One of the most popular digital analytics tools out there, Google Analytics offers both a free and paid version of its software. The premium version is essential for enterprise users, as it provides a more robust view of your website’s performance.

  • Measures critical site visitation and performance metrics
  • Offers an incredible amount of data, allowing you to learn more about your customers and tailor your strategy accordingly
  • Allows you to clearly understand your site’s performance on Google (both Ads and organic), as well as other channels

Google Data Studio

Unlock the power of your data with interactivity. Transform raw data into the metrics and dimensions needed to create easy-to-understand reports and dashboards.

  • Easily connect with spreadsheets, Analytics, Google Ads, Google BigQuery and more
  • Build custom reports that illustrate the SEO metrics of most value to your business
  • Integrate with other SEO tools to deliver comprehensive, real-time client reporting


Providing in-depth analytics alongside powerful infrastructure makes AccuRanker a top choice for enterprise SEO techs looking for accurate, insightful data and keyword rank tracking on-demand.

  • Affordable keyword tracking tool with a host of data visualizations
  • Offers a range of enterprise features at a low cost
  • Shows market performance for voice searches as well

Best Software for Link Building Analysis in 2020

Moving deeper into territory that is critical for enterprise SEO services, we get to link building. Being able to analyze your website’s link profile and gain an understanding of your competitor’s links is a key component to generating strong results from your SEO campaigns.


Returning to Ahrefs, the software allows you to analyze and understand your backlink profile, as well as dissect the profiles of other websites – giving you a competitive advantage over your competitors.

  • Simple interface allows you to insert URL into Site Explorer and navigate to the “backlink profile” section to review profiles
  • Boasts the world’s biggest index of live backlinks (over 14 trillion links)
  • Conduct competitor research – see which websites link to your competitors’ sites and gauge the quality of the backlink profiles


The link building tool within SEMrush collects a host of backlink opportunities for your domain, as well as provides you with a management interface to run an outreach campaign, making it easy to run competitive analysis on your SEO rivals. 

  • Provides large lists of outreach prospects based on target keywords and competitors
  • Built in workflow to manage the outreach process
  • Gmail and Google Search Console integration


Map the web and bring with it link intelligence data to dominate the market. Majestic offers award-winning data, helping to support the growth of your enterprise SEO campaigns.

  • Find the best websites with Site Explorer tool
  • Use Link Context to find links near you and your competitors
  • Filter by topic, quality, language and a range of industry-standard metrics

Site Speed Tools for Enterprise SEO

It’s all well and good having a strong backlink profile and monitoring keywords, but you likely won’t see a significant improvement in your ranking position if you don’t ensure your site speed is up to scratch. This can be difficult for complex websites that house a lot of data, but is key to ensuring a positive user experience. 

Screaming Frog

Returning to Screaming Frog, you can gain valuable insights about page speed during a crawl. Simply view the PageSpeed tab, which allows you to analyze speed opportunities and diagnostics at scale.

  • Integrate the PSI API, which uses Lighthouse, allowing you to review Lighthouse metrics
  • Also pulls in Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) data
  • Choose and configure over 75 metrics, opportunities and diagnostics to help analyze and make smarter decisions relating to page speed.


See how your site performs, reveal why it’s slow and discover optimization opportunities. GTmetrix will break down your page page performance in a summarized report, making it easy to improve your score.

  • Integration with PageSpeed and YSlow scores
  • Provides Page Load details (including time, size and number of requests)
  • Set up an alert and get notified when your page underperforms, with a full report to understand what happened.

Google PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights is a part of Google’s suite of tools for developers. It analyses the content of your website, before generating suggestions to make the page faster.

  • Reports on the performance of a page on both mobile and desktop devices, and provides suggestions on how it may be improved.
  • Provides both lab and field data about a page. Lab data allows you to debug performance issues, while field data is useful for capturing true, real-world user experience.
  • Provides a score to summarize the page’s performance. 

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Audit & analysis
A comprehensive audit

We’ll review all of your digital marketing channels and outline what’s working, and what needs to be improved.

Custom growth plan
Unique growth strategy

We’ll share our approach, covering how we’d scale your marketing – and how it relates to your objectives.

ROI projections
ROI projections

We’ll forecast the results you can expect, as well as your investment and the KPIs involved to get you there.