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Content creation is fuel for your digital transformation strategy

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User experience is an essential part of digital transformation. When brands put their customers’ or clients’ needs before their own, transformation becomes more tangible. Customer satisfaction and experience are top motivators when it comes to implementing a digital transformation strategy, but where does content fit into the puzzle?

Content is the engine that drives modern marketing and the customer experience, but despite being an integral part of any marketing strategy. While 77% of companies say they have a content marketing strategy, is yours geared towards achieving digital transformation? 


What makes you unique?

If you want to master the digital landscape, you need to outshine the competition. With 70% of marketers investing in content marketing, it’s not enough to just have a strategy, it needs to be kick-ass. Your potential customers need to know what makes you better or different in order to reach your fullest potential.

Digital transformation is all about shaking up the status quo, rethinking old models and experimenting with new technologies. So, if you really want to show you’re more agile and capable of responding to your customers than the competition, your USP should be at the forefront of your content strategy. 

Are you using the right format and channels?

Ultimately, you want to be reshaping and reframing the way you reach your audience. Consider the customer journey and how you can be more innovative and adaptive with your content strategy. Further your reach with support tools that address the issues your clients and customers may be experiencing, such as chatbots. 

Have you looked internally?

Digital transformation starts with some radical housekeeping, and you really can’t get anywhere without having digital-savvy leaders in place driving the ship. But how do you empower people to work in new ways? If only there was a way to curate relevant and reliable materials to get everyone on board… oh wait…

Are you giving yourself enough time?

Digital transformation can’t be achieved overnight, and neither can revamping your content strategy. Throwing together a content strategy is like writing your final term paper the night before, except you can’t send an email to your professor asking for them to ‘rethink your final grade’.

Be thoughtful in your approach and instead of rushing through, be mindful of how you may be received and what you can do differently to accelerate a more streamlined approach to content.


If you’re finding yourself saying things like “we can’t measure the success of content” or “it’s not worth the money”, you’re probably looking at content as more of an expense than a business asset. 

Instead of twiddling your thumbs and complaining about metrics, it’s time to start measuring the ROI of your content efforts because without this information you won’t be able to improve the various stages of the buyer’s journey.   

Without web traffic, there is no revenue 

Web traffic is one of the most-common measurements of success for content marketing strategies and if you truly want to transform your digital model, this is one place to start. Besides looking at raw traffic numbers, you can also look at how your traffic is growing overtime and where it is coming from. 

Is it referral traffic? Is it coming from organic social or paid social media marketing? These are all important metrics you should be analyzing and considering when measuring the effectiveness of your content marketing. Without using digital metrics to define your digital transformation strategy, it’s hard to evaluate if your organization is adapting and thriving in the digital environment. 

The customer experience

One of the best KPIs to track through digital transformation is the customer experience. Tracking how your users and customers are interacting with your content on and off-site can help give you insights on adoption. 

If you want to implement a content strategy that will help your business achieve digital mastery, get in touch with our strategy experts today.


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Here’s how we’ll invest in you:

Audit & analysis
A comprehensive audit

We’ll review all of your digital marketing channels and outline what’s working, and what needs to be improved.

Custom growth plan
Unique growth strategy

We’ll share our approach, covering how we’d scale your marketing – and how it relates to your objectives.

ROI projections
ROI projections

We’ll forecast the results you can expect, as well as your investment and the KPIs involved to get you there.