
The Latest Podcasts

Ep 39: Humanising LinkedIn

Are you using LinkedIn as much as you should be?

While LinkedIn has been a long standing platform for professionals to connect, integrate and innovate — the ongoing pandemic has brought about a new perspective on how it can be used to help drive engagement and connect leads.

Founder and CEO of Codi Agency and LinkedIn extraordinaire, Lisa Teh, talks all things Linkedin. Humanising the platform has helped her build her personal brand and achieve success for her business despite the isolating circumstances in Melbourne.

From ways her agency has adapted to business during COVID-19 to emerging trends that you should definitely keep an eye out for in 2021, Rob and Lisa cover it all.

“Be authentic, it’s human! A lot of people can relate to spending time with their families and kids, so posts.” – Lisa Teh

Join the conversation with LinkedIn aficionados, Lisa Teh and Rob Tadros

From lawyer to taxation officer turned digital marketing specialist, Lisa’s breadth of knowledge expands much further than your average marketing expert. Taking LinkedIn by storm, she has built her brand and created quite the following on the platform.

By finding ways to give your brand a voice and a face, and encouraging your employees to make their mark on LinkedIn, you can increase awareness and credibility, leading to a more successful digital strategy overall.

“COVID has forced us to not be so stiff. We’ve been able to connect more as human beings. People really respond to that, they’re able to connect with companies and founders like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, which makes them relate with the brand more.” – Lisa Teh

The conversation covers:

  • Linkedin is becoming the platform of choice during COVID-19 for businesses (1:25)
  • People connect more with people than brands (3:30)
  • What people think of you as a founder is also what they think of your brand (6:30)
  • B2B vs. B2C on LinkedIn (8:30)
  • Why aren’t you empowering your team to get active on Linkedin? (10:00)
  • LinkedIn stories — what’s their story? (14:30)
  • Digital natives: why Linkedin and other platforms are appealing to younger generations (17:15)
  • Why corporations should start introducing younger generations in leadership (19:00)
  • A shift in the global scale: the sexy thing is to own a tech startup (21:00)
  • Emerging tech on the LinkedIn platform (24:00)
  • Lisa’s three LinkedIn hacks (26:00)

Build your business on LinkedIn

If you’re debating whether or not you should post that video — go for it!

The days of networking only to find a new role have gone out the window. There’s a lot more that happens on LinkedIn other than searching for a new job. Encourage your employees to share their insights and provide them with guidelines on how to post.

Whether you’re weary about giving your employees the option to post on LinkedIn or are a little nervous to create your first posts, putting yourself out there can help both your business and professional career.

“People need to get out of their comfort zone and into your fear zone, which is really where we grow.” – Rob Tadros


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Here’s how we’ll invest in you:

Audit & analysis
A comprehensive audit

We’ll review all of your digital marketing channels and outline what’s working, and what needs to be improved.

Custom growth plan
Unique growth strategy

We’ll share our approach, covering how we’d scale your marketing – and how it relates to your objectives.

ROI projections
ROI projections

We’ll forecast the results you can expect, as well as your investment and the KPIs involved to get you there.