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Impressive Raises $28,695 for Australian Bushfires

Blog Impressive

You don’t have to be watching the news 24/7 to know of the devastating bushfires blowing through Australia. We’ve not only felt the adverse effects of deteriorating air quality and the sweltering heat but also the impact of many heartbreaking stories. When one Australian suffers, we all suffer, it’s just like the age-old adage of being many but also being part of the one.

So with that, we made it a point to dig deep and extend a helping hand to our fellow Aussies in need. Impressive partnered with Removify, Codi Group and Appscore to hold a Bushfire Fundraiser in the hopes of raising funds to alleviate some of the suffering experienced to the best of our ability, as inadequate as we know that always is in times of great loss.

With the little we had in our hands but with hearts dedicated to honouring these communities we were able to raise $28,695 through raffle ticket sales, donations and a series of auctions.

You can check out how the event went via our video here.


Some of the auction items that were available included a fork that sold for $500, as well as coveted paid parking spots for a month, a joyride in a Mercedes Benz, cosmetic bags from Mecca Cosmetica and a paid day off work to name a few!

The money raised will be split and forwarded to CFA Victoria and Wildlife Australia.

We’d especially like to thank all of our generous donors who made this fundraiser a possibility. They include Creative Cubes Co who provided the space, Mercedes Benz, Mecca Cosmetica, Specsavers, Stoke, Heresy, Vodka+, the artist ArtbyTyana, Peak Nutritionals, Sam Bashiry, 7g Cafe, 101 Do You Even, District North, De Guise, Capricorn Body Art and many more.

We also want to thank the volunteers who are on the frontlines, actively reaching out to these communities and working to keep the fires at bay.

We hope that this event will encourage more Australians to seek out opportunities to be a blessing to their community regardless of how small they feel their contributions may be. Join together with anyone around you and make a stand for a cause close to our heart. You’d be surprised as to just how much you can achieve with others passionate about your cause!

If you would like to contribute to the Victorian bushfire relief, you can do so at the following websites:


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